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Rebook and Save on Reservations
Don’t miss any sale, deal, or promotion of your favourite hotel anymore!
Get alerts when the price of your booked hotel drops and rebook it to get the best price possible for your stay!
Compare hotel prices from over 25 OTAs
How Does It Work?
Enter the hotel you’ve booked and let us vigilantly monitor the prices for you. Select your desired savings percentage and your threshold price to get notified only when it counts. If the hotel rate dips below your set threshold or matches your savings goal, we’ll alert you instantly—so you can rebook your stay and pocket the difference. Effortless savings, just a click away.
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We Do The Work For You.

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Set Alerts
Choose your hotel and define a price threshold

We’ll notify you on price drops or daily updates
As a frequent traveler, I’m always on the lookout for ways to save money without compromising on comfort. The price monitoring feature has been a lifesaver, notifying me whenever there’s a price drop on my favorite hotels. It’s like having a personal assistant dedicated to finding me the best deals!

Jack S.
Frequent Traveler
I can’t recommend HotelTracker24 enough! Their hotel price alert system is incredibly intuitive and easy to use. I love receiving notifications whenever there’s a significant price drop on the hotels I’ve booked for my clients. I could boost my comissions by rebooking.

Sharon M.
Online Travel Agent
I’ve been using HotelTracker24 for a few weeks now, and I’m consistently impressed by its accuracy and reliability. The price monitoring feature ensures that I never miss out on a great deal, and the hotel price alerts always arrive promptly. HotelTracker24 has already become an essential tool in my travel arsenal.

Francoise H.
Frequent Traveler
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Get Started Today
Travel Enthusiast- Includes 1 Active Tracker
- Hotel Deal Alerts
- Price Drop Alerts
- Hotel Price Comparsion
Frequent Traveler- Includes 3 Active Trackers
- Hotel Deal Alerts
- Price Drop Alerts
- Hotel Price Comparison
- Premium Support
Professionals & OTAs- Includes 10 Active Trackers
- Hotel Deal Alerts
- 24h Price Monitoring
- Hotel Price Comparison
- Premium Support